Check us out at ACS Spring 2025 National Meeting & Expo in San Diego!

2025 ACS SanDiego Shaw Group Agenda

Our research focus can be summarized as analytical surface-science. Nearly all of our research is based on measurements of chemical interactions with surfaces, and most of our instrumentation is specifically designed to examine interfacial phenomena. If you've ever wondered why oil spreading on water looks like a rainbow, why you can only make sand castles with wet sand, or how Rain-X® keeps your windshield so clean, you might be interested in our work. We use precice measurements of chemical behaviors to create new, fundamental understanding of these types of questions to address important challenges in environmental remediation, materials development, and energy science. 

Detailed descriptions of our research projects and some laboratory pictures can be found within this website.  If you have questions, feel free to send us an email or arrange a visit to our lab.  Follow us on Twitter @shawschem (group) or @shawchem (Prof Shaw)

Research for All

The Shaw group accepts that scientific advancement suffers without participation from all varied communities. We proactively engage all people regardless of status or ability. We acknowledge institutional challenges within the sciences, both for and against, certain groups of people. To counter this and provide clearer pathways to success, we work to create an inviting and enjoyable environment to do, and share, good science for all. Through formal training and informal interactions, we continuously strive to improve ourselves while advocating for each others’ success. We hope our efforts will support positive changes within our field.


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Event and news feeds

Departmental Events

Analytical Seminar- Dr. Kimberly Parker

Thursday, April 3, 2025 12:30pm
Pomerantz Center
"Environmental Chemistry at the Nexus of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Health"

Final Thesis Defense: Samantha Kruse

Friday, April 4, 2025 2:00pm
Chemistry Building
"The Effects of Ionizing Radiation on a Series of Solid-State Materials: From Organics to Actinides"

Colloquium- Prof. Farnaz A. Shakib

Friday, April 4, 2025 3:30pm
Pappajohn Business Building
Prof. Farnaz Shakib, Assistant Professor of Chemistry & Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology Bio: Dr. Shakib completed her Bachelor degree in applied chemistry at the University of Tabriz, Iran, followed by her Master in computational organic chemistry at Tarbiat Modares University. She obtained her PhD from University of Alberta, Canada, with Prof. Gabriel Hanna in 2016. Her PhD studies was the starting point of her career in...
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Professional Development Events

“The Unfinished Symphony”: Graduate and Professional Student Research and Connection Lab  promotional image

“The Unfinished Symphony”: Graduate and Professional Student Research and Connection Lab 

Friday, March 28, 2025 10:30am to 2:30pm
University Capitol Centre
Graduate and professional students in the early stages of their research can share their work and make connections with people outside their discipline at this informal symposium.
TLCP Symposium: AI & International Humanitarian Law promotional image

TLCP Symposium: AI & International Humanitarian Law

Thursday, April 3 to Friday, April 4, 2025 (all day)
Boyd Law Building
Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems (TLCP), the University of Iowa College of Law's international law journal, will hold its 2025 symposium Artificial Intelligence and International Humanitarian Law on April 3-4 in Iowa City, Iowa. This symposium will focus on the evolving role of technology in armed conflict, with special attention to topics such as cyber warfare and AI, autonomous weapons systems and the law of armed conflict, and regulating AI in warfare. We aim to foster meaningful...
TLCP Symposium: AI & International Humanitarian Law promotional image

TLCP Symposium: AI & International Humanitarian Law

Friday, April 4, 2025 (all day)
Boyd Law Building
Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems (TLCP), the University of Iowa College of Law's international law journal, will hold its 2025 symposium Artificial Intelligence and International Humanitarian Law on April 3-4 in Iowa City, Iowa. This symposium will focus on the evolving role of technology in armed conflict, with special attention to topics such as cyber warfare and AI, autonomous weapons systems and the law of armed conflict, and regulating AI in warfare. We aim to foster meaningful...

Iowa MBA & MSBA Alumni Panel Discussion

Monday, April 14, 2025 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Join us for a conversation with Iowa MBA & MSBA Alumni! This will be a conversation about each alum's career path and what they wished they knew during their program. There will be an opportunity for Q&A, and we encourage students to connect with each other and the panelists!

Iowa PFAS Conference: Learn, Connect and Explore

Tuesday, April 15 8:00am to Wednesday, April 16, 2025 5:00pm
Graduate Iowa City
The 2025 Iowa PFAS Conference will be held April 15-16, 2025, at the Graduate by Hilton Iowa City and the University of Iowa campus. The conference is designed to exchange ideas and findings, provide learning and networking opportunities, and explore new ways to test and deal with PFAS in environmental and biological samples. It has the following objectives: Create a learning environment to share ideas and findings about PFAS.  Bring faculty members, researchers, staff, and students to one...
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Scott K Shaw's Google Scholar

Spielvogel, K.D.; Stumme, N.C.; Fetrow, T.V.; Wang, L.; Luna, J.A.; Keith, J.M.; Shaw, S.K.; Daly, S.R., Quantifying Variations in Metal–Ligand Cooperative Binding Strength with Cyclic Voltammetry and Redox-Active Ligands. Inorganic Chemistry 2022 61 (5), 2391-2401. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c03014

DeYoung, J.L.; Holyoake, E.A.; Shaw S.K., What Are the Differences between Two Environmental Films Sampled 1 km Apart? ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2021 5 (12), 3407-3413. DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00257

Samanta, A.; Huang, W.; Parveg, A.S.M.S.; Kotak, P.; Auyeung, R.C.Y.; Charipar, N.A.; Shaw, S.K.; Ratner, A.; Lamuta, C.; Ding, H., Enabling Superhydrophobicity-Guided Superwicking in Metal Alloys via a Nanosecond Laser-Based Surface Treatment Method. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021 13 (34), 41209-41219. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c09144

Horvath, A.; Curry, J.; Haverhals, L.M.; Shaw, S.K., Practical Online Monitoring of Ionic Liquid Fiber Welding Solvent. ACS Omega 2021 6 (34), 22367-22373. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c03122

Pitawela, N.R.; Shaw S.K., Imidazolium Triflate Ionic Liquids’ Capacitance–Potential Relationships and Transport Properties Affected by Cation Chain Lengths. ACS Measurement Science Au 2021 1 (3), 117-130. DOI: 10.1021/acsmeasuresciau.1c00015

Pitawela, N.R.; Shaw, S. K., Capacitive Hysteresis Effects in Ionic Liquids: 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Trifluoromethanesulfonate on Polycrystalline Gold Electrode. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2021, 168, 046510. DOI: 10.1149/1945-7111/abf4ac

DeYoung, J.; Shaw, S. K., Evaluating Environmental Film Maturation through a Deliquescence–Efflorescence Model. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2021, 5 (3), 645-650. DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.0c00335

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